The Transcript popup
Once you click on a transcript line of the list, you can access the content and detailed metrics of the conversation.
On the left side you can see the end-user messages and the responses of your xBot or your human agent.
There is a lot of useful information for each sentence that will allow you to improve the relevancy of the xBot’s future answers : next to each end-user message is displayed the intent or the keyword detected.
Also, you can easily navigate from one transcript to another by using the 2 arrows
The “Show all events” button
By clicking on the button, you can access additional technical information
A click on the End user sentence unfolds additional custom data and User/xBot events information such as:
custom data & message: information logged here depends on the specifications of the external connector (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc…) used to host the conversation channel and how integration has been set
xbrain-dialog-atmosphere: score, polarity, offensive, emojis, dialogScore, etc … information
Athena log information: Classifier and debug information
Vertical timeline
To navigate easily within the conversation, a vertical timeline is available.
A click on the Target pictogram on top of the vertical timeline displays the list of all the topics / intents detected by your xBot during the conversation.
Color points
Each point corresponds to one message of the end-user.
- The color corresponds to the sentiment detected for the corresponding message:
- red
for negative
- orange
for neutral negative
- blue
for neutral positive
- green
for positive
- red
- Hover above one of the color points, the intent and/or keyword detected is displayed
- Click on one of the color points, you are redirected to the moment of the conversation when the interaction occurred
For each conversation you can find on the right 2 tabs displaying the following metrics :
General metrics
- Duration
- Total messages
- Received messages, ie messages from the end-user
- Replies by bot
- Replies by human agent
Sentiments metrics
- The overall feeling of the conversation and the percentage associated with it,
- The number of messages detected during the conversation for the four possible sentiments:
Neutral - Positive
Neutral - Negative
The sentiment analysis is performed on the information exchanged between the end user and the xBot. For more information on sentiment, please consult this article.
Documented/reviewed 15/07/2021