Overall Feeling or Sentiment analysis
You can find in multiple places in conversations displayed in the my.satisfaction.AI portal several colored indicators illustrating conversation Sentiment / Feeling status.
Positive sentiments clearly expressed by the end-user.
Neutral positive:
Conversations that are dynamically (based on the two last exchanges) going FROM a neutral sentiment TO a positive sentiment.
Neutral negative:
Conversations that are dynamically (based on the last two exchanges) going FROM neutral sentiment TO negative sentiment.
Negative sentiments clearly expressed by the end-user.
How does the Dialog atmosphereTM work ?
The sentiment analysis is performed on the information exchanged between the end-user and the xBot.
This analysis is based on our Dialog AtmosphereTM rating system. This rating system is based on natural language processing, text analysis and computational linguistics which allows us to identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information available in conversations.
Please bear in mind that you can still find some false positives in how some parts of conversations are flagged by our sentiment analysis.
It can also be challenging for humans to accurately gauge the sentiments behind a tricky combination of words. Our sentiment analysis counters may be slightly misled (as Humans could also be!) by sentences like the ones below:
- I do not dislike this option. (Negation handling)
- Disliking good deals is not really my thing. (Negation, inverted word order)
- Sometimes I really hate you. (Adverbial modifies the sentiment)
- I really truly love talking to you for ages! (Possibly sarcastic)
- I love your services but would not recommend it to any of my colleagues. (Qualified positive sentiment, difficult to categorize)
Documented/reviewed 01/07/2020